Links to Assorted Bridge Topics

Contact: Pat Phillips

Items in red are PDF Files


The American Contract Bridge League is the premier organization for "all things bridge". There are very many resources listed here. This site contains shortcuts to many of them of particular interest to beginning duplicate players

  • ACBL

  • The Bridge Guys site contains many interesting items for players. Note particularly the section on conventions.

  • Bridge Guys

  • North St. Paul's Own Bridge Center Site

  • Bridge Center of Saint Paul

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    Bidding Systems

    There are bridge bidding systems (and ones for playing) for all occasions. They include Culbertson, Goren and newer ones. In any case, whatever you use, it must be disclosed to the opposition.

    The "Standard American Yellow Card,SAYC, provides a common system for use in many cases. Below is document which contains a good description.

  • SAYC
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    Below is a link to a list of common conventions.

  • Commonly Used Conventions - ACBL


    The link below is a description of how to fill out ones's convention card. Since we change our minds from week to week, this tool comes in handy to make or update one's card. Use in conjunction with the card editor program below.

  • How to Complete Your Convention Card - ACBL

  • A PC program for you to download and install to provide a means to prepare and update one's convention card and score sheet. It can handle multiple cards for different sets of conventions.

  • PC Program to Edit your Convention Card - ACBL

  • Convention Card Instructions

    24 PDF Files from ACBL on Convention Card Items

    Alert Procedures

    The objective of the Alert system is for both pairs at the table to have equal access to all information contained in any auction. In order to meet this goal, it is necessary that all players understand and practice the principles of Full Disclosure and Active Ethics. ACBL

    The following is a link to the ACBL topic of Alert Procedures

    Alert Procedures

    The following is the ACBL Alert Chart

    Alert Chart

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    Learn to Play Bridge

    Learning programs. Download and install these two programs from the ACBL to learn and practice.

  • Learn to Play Programs - ACBL
  • Practice Bidding with SAYC

  • SAYC Practice Bidding
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    Laws of Duplicate Bridge

    The ACBL Site contains laws for both Contract and Duplicate Bridge.

    Laws of Duplicate Bridge

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